Program Director

The Program Director will oversee the management of the overall program implementation while ensuring quality reporting, financial management, monitoring and accountability under the guidance and supervision of the Deputy Country Director Programs and in coordination with the Area Managers, Technical Advisors and Support Functions Leads. S/he will ensure all program interventions are strategic, effective, meet designated goals and objectives, are informed by and participated in by targeted beneficiaries and are delivered on time. S/he will coordinate with major internal stakeholders to ensure country program activities are implemented as planned and are being monitored to achieve quality results and to make sure we are on scope, target and budget. Working with DCD Programs, Technical Advisors, Area Managers and Support Leads, the Program Director is expected to lead effective implementation and communication on the progress of the program to local authorities and other humanitarian actors across the country.

The Program Director is expected to be a high performer in implementation requirements and timelines observation, project cycle management, team management and team building, and support functions. The Program Director will build the capacity of Project Managers and the field teams, as well as local partners, in times when the local capacity is more critical than ever in the delivery of humanitarian aid. The direct work relationship with project managers is aimed at ensuring all administrative, programmatic, and field-level challenges are identified and addressed immediately so RI can deliver timely, quality and fully compliant results.

Post date: 27 June 2024
Publisher: Company Website
Post date: 27 June 2024
Publisher: Company Website